Child Custody Modifications

Child Custody Modifications with Distinguished Legal Group

Distinguished Legal Group Divorce Attorney

No matter how thorough you are in developing a child custody and visitation agreement that will work for everyone concerned, no one can see what changes the future will bring after a divorce or legal separation has been finalized. Sometimes an existing custody agreement should be modified to accommodate the changing needs of your child. If you and the other parent can agree on the changes which need to happen you can put it in writing for the court to rule on or if there is an issue which needs to be resolved by modifying the existing child custody order, consult a Distinguished Legal Group divorce lawyer who has the experience to help you through the process.

Child Custody Lawyer serving Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. 

Informal agreements between parents can seem helpful and keep the peace. Informal agreements are not enforceable. So if problems begin to arise, you should take steps to modify the agreement through the court. There can be any number of reasons why a parent would seek a modification of a child custody order such as:

Custody evaluation form

  • Job change which affect the custodial parent’s availability to spend time with the child
  • A job opportunity which requires a move away
  • Change in the child’s health and care needs
  • The custodial parent’s interference or denial of the visitation rights of the non-custodial parent
  • Change in health of the custodial parent
  • Change in the non-custodial parent’s schedule allowing more or less time to spend with the child
  • The child’s safety is endangered

legal counsel

Keep in mind that the court is most concerned with what is in the child’s best interest and considers maintaining a stable home environment very important for a child. A family law attorney at our firm helps parents prepare evidence and petition for child custody modifications which are for the benefit of the child.

If you wish to modify a court order, take advantage of our expertise. Find out if it is reasonable and cost effective to attempt a modification during your initial consultation with an experienced divorce lawyer. 

Contact a Distinguished Legal Group divorce attorney at our firm for advice and skilled legal representation in child custody modification issues.

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