
Relocation and Child Custody in Distinguished Legal Group

Parental Relocation and California Law

For parents sharing custody of children, or for the custodial parent, circumstances can come about in the future that might require relocating to a different city or state. This cannot be planned for or anticipated in detail at the time the divorce agreements are finalized. It serves all parties, especially the children, to have these details worked out and agreed upon as smoothly as possible. A custodial parent wishing to relocate is required by the state of California to file a move-away petition to gain the court’s approval before relocating. The court will want to examine the situation and ensure that the interests of the child are considered. For that reason, relocating can affect your current custody agreements. A Distinguished Legal Group divorce lawyer can provide the knowledge and experience you need to establish your legal rights and protect the best interests of you and your child.


Child Custody and Relocation

The court could disallow a parental relocation in many cases. If, however, the court finds that it is in the best interests of the child to modify the child custody and visitation agreements, they can do so. The non-custodial parent can also request a change in custody or visitation and, if they can show it is in the best interests of the child, the change is likely to be granted. There are many factors that the court would look to in order to determine what is best for the child. For this reason, your best option is to gain the help and expertise of an experienced attorney with extensive family court experience to represent you and the interests of your children.

Contact a Distinguished Legal Group divorce attorney you can trust today, to advise you on your rights regarding relocation.

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